
Alternate Transportation Calculator

It's easy to overlook the impacts of choosing one form of transportation over another. We developed this tool to assist you with estimating the cost and carbon impact of various transportation methods based on the length of your commute to St. Lawrence College! Simply enter the length of your commute to SLC, and the cost and carbon impact of your round trip will be estimated using various methods of transportation.

Vehicle and commute info

Input your vehicle mileage, as well as the length of your one way commute to campus. The tool will use this to estimate the impact of your round trip.
What is the length of your commute to St. Lawrence College: km (One way)
What is the current price of gas?: $/litre
What class vehicle do you drive?
What is your vehicles fuel efficiency? L/100km
Include Parking fees? yes no

Cost by transportation method

Compare the cost of various transportation methods for your round trip to St. Lawrence College.
Method of transportation: Daily Weekly Monthly Annual
Your Vehicle $ $ $ $
Vehicle - Electric $ $ $ $
Bus $ $ $ $
Bike $ $ $ $
Walking Walking is free!

Emitted carbon by transportation method

Compare the carbon impact of various transportation methods for your round trip to St. Lawrence College.
Method of transportation: Daily Weekly Monthly Annual
Your Vehicle kg's kg's kg's kg's
Vehicle - Electric kg's kg's kg's kg's
Bus kg's kg's kg's kg's
Bike kg's kg's kg's kg's
Walking Walking doesn't emit carbon!

Travel Time by transportation method

Compare the commute time of various transportation methods for your round trip to St. Lawrence College.
Method of transportation: Your Vehicle Electric Vehicle Bus Bike Walking
Daily round trip travel time minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes