Dual Credit Application Process
Apply in 3 easy steps
Step One
Review, with the help of your high school, the Dual Credit courses that are available.
The first and most important step is to meet with your high school Guidance Counsellor, Co-op Teacher, or other assigned high school Dual Credit Lead, to see if you are the right fit for this program and to discuss your pathway(s) of interest. Dual credit course offerings here:
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
Note: If you are interested in OYAP opportunities you can find a listing of those here
Step 2a
Sign the consent forms.
To participate in the Dual Credit program a student must complete the St. Lawrence College Dual Credit Consent Form.
If you have an Individualized Education Program, to be eligible for one at the college you should also complete the IEP Consent form.
Step 2b
Return the consent form(s) to your school contact who will complete the application on your behalf (i.e. a Guidance Counselor or Co-op Teacher).
Step Three
The student’s school contact will complete this online application form on behalf of the student:
Winter 2025 Dual Credit Application
The application form is available between Monday March 3, 2025, and March 28, 2025.
Note: The application form is password-protected. High School Dual Credit Leads can email DualCredit@sl.on.ca to request the password.
If at any point, you find yourself struggling in your Dual Credit course, you should discuss the situation with your Support Teacher, your Guidance Counsellor, and/or your Co-op Teacher.
If a withdrawal is warranted, one can be submitted on your behalf through our website.
Note: This site is password protected. High School Dual Credit Leads can email dualcredit.@onl.ca to request a portal password.
Please fill out the Dual Credit Transportation Form once you have received your St. Lawrence College student number.
Note: Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on this webpage. The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any course, program, or timetable at any time.
Contact Us
For more information, contact your High School Guidance or Co-Op Office.
For general inquiries, email dualcredit@sl.on.ca