Join us at St. Lawrence College for your post-secondary journey and let us help you make your time a healthy, enjoyable and successful learning experience. The Indigenous Student Advisors are here to help you.
Indigenous Student Advisor, Kingston
Shirley Chaisson
Indigenous Student Advisor, Brockville/Cornwall
Aanii: My name is Shirley Chaisson, I am Anishinaabe and a member of the Aamjiwnaang Reserve located in Sarnia, Ontario. Through the Indigenous Centre, I provide a safe environment to discuss and/or resolve issues, which may be important you as an Indigenous Student. I believe your success is our success!
B: 613.345.0660 ext. 2365
C: 613.933.6080 ext. 2365
Holly Brant
Indigenous Counsellor, Tri-campus
Shé:kon, Karennenhá:wi niyónkyats. Kanyen’kehá:ka na’kya’tò:ten tánon’ wakenyáhton. Kenhtéke nikìteron. Hello, my name is Karrennehá:wi (She Carries Music), pronounced Ga-ren-na-how-we and I am Kanyen’keha:ka Mohawk. I belong with the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, sit with the Turtle Clan and live on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. I believe student wellness is holistic. Maintaining balance and inner peace may be a difficult task during the hectic school year, but if you need some help or just want to chat, stop by. I look forward to meeting you.
K: 613.544.5400 ext. 1095
B: 613.345.0660 ext. 1095
C: 613.933.6080 ext. 1095
Student Wellness and Accessibility
We understand that being in college can be an exciting time, but that it can also be accompanied with stressful times. Meeting with a friendly and professional counsellor with whatever may be challenging or troubling, can make a difference.
Some common areas of concern addressed in counselling are; stress management, grief/loss, sexuality, substance use, and much more.